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Saturday, 24 September 2011

Burik and Lemon

This was 2x winner burik and become a brood fowl in Bintulu.

This is lemon sweater with white and yellow legs. Accurate and smart fighter.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Milih Purih Manok Sabong laki enggau manok Indu

Milih Manok DiPurih
Sida ti baru ka nginang manok sabong patut nyediaka diri enggau ari segi penemu, masa serta ungkus kena meli purih manok ti manah. Nginang utai ti idup baka manok sabong endang olih meri pengerindu ia enda olih diterang enggau leka jako.
Nginang manok sabong perkara ia patut dikerja semua kitai bala ka nyabong, laban nginang manok tu siti ari proses nyediaka purih manok sabong ti manah. Ari purih manok ti manah, diak kitai bolih peratus menang ti manah agi ari orang bukai. Ketegal pengering ati enggau pengelikun kitai nginang manok sabong, diak manok kitai olih ditemu orang bukai.

Keterubah kitai ka nyadi "breeder" tauka nupi manok sabong, kitai udah bersedia ari segi masa, tenaga, serta mega modal dikena ngetan ka pengerindu bakatu.  Tuju kitai nupi manok sabong mega nentuka kini tunga pengerindu tua tu tadi. Sekeda kitai ka nginang manok sabong laban ka ngiga penguntung ari bejual manok lalu sekeda sida bukai ka disabong diri empu.

Udah kitai terang enggau tuju nginang manok, baru tau begigaka lalu meli manok laki enggau indu kena ngepunka nginang manok sabong. Maia meli manok, patut meli purih ia ti manah serta nitihka pemisi kitai.

Ngiga purih manok
Maia ngiga purih manok, kitai anang kepapa.  Banding siti-siti kebun manok sabong enggau kebun manok bukai. Manah agi enti meli manok sabong, meli ari sida ia ka ditemu kitai bisi enggau orang besabong ka manok sida ia empu. Sida ke bisi kebun manok sabong besai, nyangka rega manok sida ia mar agi enti dibandingka enggau sida nupi manok ba belakang rumah.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Borneo Culture of Cockfighting

From GnMawar's website
The Origin and Traditional values of Iban Cock-fighting 

Cock-fighting is another type of culture or recreation which is commonly shared by the Ibans. Their interest for this culture originated from the game introduced by Raja Machan who held a cock-fighting bout with Ambong Mungan. The later lost the contest to Raja Machan and decided to go to visit the supernatural being in the sky to look for a fighting cock. In the domain of the God in the Sky, he met with a Supreme God called Raja Petara who gave him a fighting cock with the coloration of “Tuntong Lang Ngindang Terbai, Biring Belangking Pipit Kechuai”. Raja Petara told him that the fighting cock would never be defeated in the contest. With this prized possession given by the Supreme God, Ambong Mungan staged another cock-fighting session against Raja Machan.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Jap stags

Jap broodcock got from a best friend.

Here is Jap stag out from 1/2 Jap x Hatcth Lemon.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Here is my regular grey stag about to finish from molting as you can see from the tail feathers. The hen was purchased from Bintulu. The broodcock was Sweater x Hatch from Blue Blade farm.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Breeding Materials

I got my first pair of breeding material from Blue Blade farm through S.K Wong in 2005. The cock was Sweater Hatch and Hen was Hatch Lemon. However, the brood cock was stolen in 2007. The hen currently brooding her 3 chicks which hatched on Sunday, 28 August 2011.

Another brood cock of Patrick Antonio got through S.K Wong in 2008. This is kelso sweater. The produce are smart , ground fighter and accurate cutter.

1/2 Hatch X 1/4 Sweater X Lemon stag

The stags from the first broodcock and hen were smart, accurate and able to finish their opponent in short time. The above picture one of the mating produces.